Piñon Wood Ranch Fibers
Peg has been knitting and sewing since age 8, spinning for 30 years, and majored in textiles and clothing in college. More recently she has added weaving to her creative skills. Her love of fabric, fiber, yarn and color, combined with Creighton and Peg’s shared love of animals and a desire to live in a rural area led to this business. Creighton is the ranch handy man and “Jack of All Trades”.
Piñon Wood Ranch was home to a small herd of registered Shetland Sheep and Alpacas for 15 years. We no longer raise the sheep but still maintain the herd of Alpacas.
Peg spins the wonderfully soft Alpaca fiber into hand-spun designer yarns which we offer for sale at the ranch as well as at art shows on the western slope. She also knits and hand weaves our yarns into articles of clothing, i.e. hats, mittens, fingerless gloves, socks, scarves, and shawls, that are for sale.
Although we no longer raise the sheep we still sell the beautifully fine Shetland wool roving in a rainbow of natural colors and some products from hand-spun Shetland yarn.